Rabbi Shmuel and Jackie Hauss

Rabbi Shmuel Hauss and Jackie Hauss

Rabbi Shmuel and Jackie Hauss have been a rabbinic couple at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign since the Fall of 2022, and they are excited to join the JLIC team as the JLIC-JET couple at UIUC! Together, Rabbi Shmuel and Jackie have lived in three countries, visited 15 U.S states and 35 cities worldwide, and they are always looking for new places to explore.

Rabbi Shmuel grew up in Los Angeles, CA. He went to University of California San Diego, where he got his BA in Judaic Studies. He spent two years learning at Shapell’s/Darche Noam, after which he spent four years studying in the Rabbi Issac Elchanan Theological Seminary at Yeshiva University. He received training in Mizrachi’s Shalhevet program and Pardes’ Jewish Studies In-Service Teacher Training. When he can find free time, Rabbi Shmuel can either be found playing board games, cooking, making music, or reading a good book.

Jackie received a B.A in Sociology from Lander College for Women (Touro College). To enhance her Torah knowledge, she studied in many post-high school and university seminaries and fellowships, including Mizrachi Lapidot – a program designed to give women educators high-level textual skills and halachic knowledge as well as curricula guidance under Rabbanit Shani Taragin and Rabbi Binyamin Zimmerman. Alongside Rabbi Shmuel, Jackie participated in Mizrachi’s Shalhevet program which focuses on leadership development and serving Jewish communities worldwide. Other certifications include Yeshiva University’s Hadrachat Kallah program and Pardes’s Jewish Studies In-Service Training Program to develop forward-thinking pedagogical training in Judaic subjects. When not busy serving the UIUC community or playing with her toddler, Jackie loves to see nature and read a good book!


To speak with Rabbi Shmuel Hauss please contact him at:


To speak with Jackie Hauss please contact her at:
